Owl Tree Whimsy
Serial Boxes
Short Fiction
[00.11] singing the sun to sleep
(about a sunset on a beach in Belgium)
[18.66] a thin place
(about a special community in New Brunswick)
[59.11] Florence
(about my visit to Florence, Italy)
[82.96] the castle
(an imaginative poem about childhood)
[90.18] and the sun shines on.
(about naming my bisexuality
a sweet simple thing
(about the "in-between" feeling of being engaged)
because hearts love to dance
(about forgiveness)
e calos ruoni
(about stargazing in a woodland clearing)
Echo Woods
(an ode to the peace and life of a forest)
Goodness is Goodness
(a reminder that we can keep or reclaim the good)
(about progress not perfection)
musings from a land far far away
(an ode to those who moved "too far" away)
my inland sea
(about chosen family)
(inspired by winters in Yellowknife, "North of Sixty")
she still writes poetry
(a poem about home)
(a poem about home)
(a poem about surrender)
sincerely, inner self
(about naming my bisexuality)
subtle poisons.
(about healing from abuse)
the beauty in the being
(an ode to quiet moments of vulnerability)
the heart of movement
(in honour of women who run)
the only mess forward
(for all folks with creative cores)
the vase
(about a magical vase and the family it blossoms alongside)
we all were roses
(about resilience)
we are waves
(about having expectancy not expectations)
Serial Boxes
Short Fiction